Sunday 31 March 2013


It is the 31st of March, It is the third day after Good Friday … for many of you it just might be another long weekend .A time to go home and spend it with family and friends. For me it is a time of homesickness and prayer.

  You might wonder why, so I’m going to explain.

Today is Easter and it is one of the most widely celebrated fest of Christians, even more than Christmas .It isn't just the fluffy chickens and the colorful eggs or the Easter bunny for that matter.

Easter chick 

Easter also known as Pascha, derived from the Hebrew term Pesach known in English as Passover,

Passover meal

Easter is preceded by Lent, a period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter,

Palm Sunday

The week before Easter, known as Holy Week, the Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday. The last three days before Easter are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday (sometimes referred to as Silent Saturday).

 Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday respectively commemorate Jesus' entry in Jerusalem, the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.
 Many churches begin celebrating Easter late in the evening of Holy Saturday at a service called the Easter Vigil. In some countries, Easter lasts two days, with the second called "Easter Monday".

Easter is the day that Jesus was resurrected, giving us a new life in him. But just like Christmas, the real meaning has been forgotten. For those of us who are Christians, we understand what Easter is all about. I shall now share with you the Easter story.

In Old Testament times, the priest would bring bulls, goats or a spotless lamb without any blemishes to be sacrificed as a sin offering for himself and for the people. The blood would purify and make atonement (forgive, make amends) for their sins. This was the old order of atonement. 

When Jesus came, He was a representation of the sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the world. He was crucified on the cross (the form of execution in those days). He was the final sacrifice. It's the sin of the world was upon Him, yet He was without sin and blameless. This is why Jesus is referred to as the 'Lamb of God'.

 He was bodily resurrected (came back to life)on the third day-- the day we now celebrate as Easter Sunday .This miracle is the basis of our faith. This shows how wonderful God's love really is & that nothing is impossible with the Lord.
The Risen Christ symbolizes the truth and the passion God has for us and is a chance for us to believe that if we love and believe in God; and truly repent for our sins, we will have eternal life with him in paradise.

As a part of celebration 
we give Easter eggs to symbolize the rebirth of man they were often coloured red to represent the blood of Christ.

Easter lilies are also given, as they are called the "white-robed apostles of hope," because they were 

 reportedly found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus' sweat fell to the ground in his final hours
 If you still didn't understand the meaning of Easter it’s alright. Find it within yourself and celebrate it. Celebrate all expressions of joy and happiness however they manifest. Even if Easter has no meaning to you at all, it is just another day. Another day of the most beautiful of miracles.

So here’s wishing you all a very happy Easter!!

Sue-Ellen Pereira

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