They say that most of our life is like a series of images; that they pass us by like towns on the highway. And the last cab journey you're going to take to the airport, or the train station, thats when you're going to visit your favorite memories again- the endless procrastination, the funny hostel moments, the birthday celebrations, studying in the library, pretending to study in the library, downright NOT studying in the library, the walks to End Point, the college hallways, the long road trips, the silly fights with your friends, rehearsals for Parrlon and Pulse, sleeping during Interact classes, Fresh n Honest coffee, the list is endless.
And that very instant, when these scenes pass by like towns on the higway, that's when it's going to hit you that it's over. You're going to laugh at the very fact that in the past 4 to 5 years, you must have lost pens atleast 647 times, your umbrellas 4 times, your apetite 26 times, your way 675 times, and your mind a gazillion times. But mainly, you're going to remember what this place have given you- the wonderful experiences; the endless number of insignificant moments which have helped shape who you are now, the number of people who has grown with you. You will realize that you'll lose a part of yourself behind after you leave. Ironic and bittersweet, because you have your whole life ahead of you, despite the fact that an entire journey is over.
Reminds me of what Federick Beuchner said, "So here is the world; beautiful and terrible things happen, but don't be afraid" I wish you all the very best; I hope you find what you are looking for.
"The most important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments. Learn to let go of your past, and recognize that every day won't be sunny. And when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, remember, it's only in the black of the night that you see the stars, and those stars will lead you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you; the road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination."
BOT (1)
May This New Begining Bring You Success In Whatever You Do!
Farewell Dear Interns.
Best Wishes for your Future,
Team Ed board!
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