Tuesday 1 January 2013


1. A Resolution to spend more time with family
As our lives are so hectic and consumed by our careers, professions, personal and family life takes a backseat and sadly, that affects our loved ones and relationships, so resolving to spend more time with family is a good idea. 
You can try to incorporate time for them in your bust schedule by trying to pick a time or activity that the family can do together, simple things like having dinner together too makes a difference as the end of day normally have things that are shared between family members.

2. Resolution towards getting fitter, losing excess weight

It’s a funny yet statistically proven fact that the first of January is perhaps the most packed day for gyms, and the month of January fetches in the most profits as most people resolve to exercise more and get fitter, however by the month of February things come back to normal, so in the resolution fever do not set up extreme goals, the point is to make an activity enjoyable so that it is sustainable, once you become regular, attaining your fitness goals would be the easiest thing. 
Apart from the resolution to getting fitter the other most popular resolution is to lose weight, and probably the only way to achieve that is to set goals that are realistic and set small targets that can be achieved sooner and hence keep motivating you. 
Dieting is perhaps the unhealthiest way to go about it, since giving up things usually leads to binging later.

3. Quit smoking/alcohol 

If you have resolved to make this the year that you stamp out your smoking habit, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides easier access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even if you've tried to quit before and failed, don't let it get you down.
Most of us label ourselves as social drinkers, but more often than not wake up with massive hangovers in the mornings. Over consumption of alcohol is not only hurtful for the liver but also for the wallet, so trying to curb your alcohol consumption might actually go a long way into helping you physically as well as financially.

4. Aim towards a stress free life & try enjoying it a little more

It’s a common complaint by most people that they are constantly plagued by stress, so it is time to take matter in your hands and try to relax by indulging in your favourite activities more often. Take up a new hobby  . 
 Doing so not only makes you feel more relaxed but also enhances your performance in the working stage.

5. Learn something new

Have you vowed to make this year, the year to learn something new? Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or just how to fix your computer? Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep.

6. Cultivating healthy eating habits

Though most people resolve to crash diets and diet fads to get fitter and slimmer, it is a known fact that such methods do not help that much, so trying to cultivate healthy eating habits is perhaps the best way to be healthier for the longer term, cutting out on processed foods, unsaturated fats, sugar, can lead to achieving all your physical goals.

7. Better money management

Don’t most of us end up with empty pockets by the end of the month? Let this New Year resolution list have better money management as a priority. Save more money, spend it on right things, to free yourself from bankruptcy. :P

8. Be more spiritual, look deep into yourself

Spiritualism is the key to being a calmer, more composed & confident person. It helps you look into who you really are & helps you to discover unknown facts about yourself, which are sure to amaze you! So let this new year be an opportunity towards being a better person.

9. Help others, do more social work

A popular, non-selfish New Year's resolution, volunteerism can take many forms. Whether you choose to spend time helping out at a nearby orphanage or old-age home or a clean-up drive, it’s your pick! If nothing much works out, donation is always an option, be it in cash or kind...

10. Get more sleep

It is very important to have a new year’s resolution that aims at getting proper sleep because that promotes better health, stability of mind, learning capability and enhanced performance at any workplace. 

                         ISHA MODY
                 BPT (2)

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